CV Mate

How to get recommendations from previous employers?

Getting recommendations from previous employers can significantly strengthen your job application and provide valuable insights into your skills and work ethic. Here are some steps you can take to secure recommendations from former employers:

Build a Strong Relationship

Develop a positive relationship with your previous employers.

Show dedication, professionalism, and a strong work ethic to leave a lasting positive impression.

Relationship Building Tips
  • Perform Well: Consistently deliver high-quality work and meet or exceed expectations.
  • Communicate Effectively: Maintain open and transparent communication with your employer.
  • Be Reliable: Show up on time, meet deadlines, and be dependable in your role.
  • Show Initiative: Take on additional responsibilities and contribute to the success of the team and organization.

Request Feedback Regularly

Ask for feedback on your performance and progress.

Regular feedback sessions can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.

Feedback Request Tips
  • Schedule Meetings: Request periodic meetings with your employer to discuss your performance.
  • Be Open to Criticism: Approach feedback sessions with an open mind and willingness to learn.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Seek feedback on specific aspects of your work and how you can improve.
  • Implement Feedback: Act on the feedback you receive to demonstrate your commitment to growth.

Express Gratitude

Show appreciation for your employer's support and guidance.

Expressing gratitude can strengthen your relationship and encourage your employer to provide a recommendation.

Gratitude Expression Tips
  • Say Thank You: Express gratitude verbally or in writing when your employer provides feedback or support.
  • Acknowledge Support: Recognize the efforts your employer has made to help you succeed in your role.
  • Be Genuine: Sincerity is key when expressing gratitude; be genuine in your appreciation.
  • Follow Up: Send a thank-you note or email after receiving feedback or support.

Highlight Your Achievements

Make your accomplishments visible to your employer.

Ensure your employer is aware of your contributions and achievements during your time with the company.

Achievement Highlighting Tips
  • Keep Records: Maintain a record of your accomplishments, including specific projects and outcomes.
  • Share Updates: Regularly update your employer on your progress and successes.
  • Quantify Results: Use metrics and data to quantify the impact of your contributions.
  • Request Recognition: Ask your employer to acknowledge your achievements in meetings or company-wide communications.

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Initiate the Recommendation Process

Take the first step in requesting a recommendation.

Initiating the process demonstrates your proactiveness and commitment to your professional development.

Initiation Tips
  • Schedule a Meeting: Arrange a meeting with your employer to discuss the possibility of a recommendation.
  • Explain Your Intentions: Clearly communicate why you are seeking a recommendation and how it will benefit you.
  • Provide Context: Remind your employer of your contributions and achievements during your time with the company.
  • Be Respectful: Understand that your employer may be busy and approach the request with sensitivity.

Provide Guidance

Offer guidance on what you would like included in the recommendation.

Providing specific information can help your employer craft a more personalized and impactful recommendation.

Guidance Tips
  • Outline Key Points: Provide a list of key skills, experiences, and achievements you would like the recommendation to highlight.
  • Offer Examples: Share specific instances or projects that demonstrate your strengths and capabilities.
  • Include Keywords: Suggest relevant keywords or phrases that align with the job or industry you are targeting.
  • Be Flexible: Allow your employer the freedom to tailor the recommendation based on their perspective and insights.

Follow Up and Express Appreciation

Follow up on the recommendation process and express gratitude for their support.

Maintaining communication and showing appreciation can strengthen your relationship with your employer.

Follow-Up Tips
  • Check-In Periodically: Follow up with your employer to inquire about the progress of the recommendation.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank your employer for taking the time to write the recommendation.
  • Share Updates: Keep your employer informed of any developments in your job search or career.
  • Offer Assistance: Offer to return the favor by providing a recommendation or support in the future.